Chelsea Alberda's Poem

Title: Pedro Guzman Perez

Dark eyes, dark hair;
Hold the fair hands
Of Emily Nelson Guzman.

You can see his soul in her smile;
His smile in his son.
They are three different bodies,
But a unit of one;
The family of Pedro Guzman Perez.

In fact you can always see him smiling.
He couldn’t be imagined any other way;
Without his hand in hers.
And his son on his shoulders;
His son Logan Julian Nelson Guzman.

Respectful and big-hearted,
Pedro is quick to care and slow to callous.
He is the positive I wish I was;
The Husband of Emily Nelson Guzman.

You can see his soul in her smile,
His smile in his son.
They are three different bodies,
But a unit of one,
The family of Pedro Guzman Perez.

Pedro is a positive man
And, I’m sure, optimistic that
God will bring him home
As soon as he can
We want you back home;
Pedro Guzman Perez.

Emily is a strong woman and wife.
Waiting for her husband,
But not just sitting on her hands.
We are all praying for you,
Emily Nelson Guzman.

And Logan, oh Logan.
I know you miss your dad.
And it’s likely hard to understand
Why he isn’t home.
But he’ll come back, and he misses you too,
Logan Julian Nelson Guzman.

You can see his soul in her smile,
His smile in his son.
They are three different bodies,
But a unit of one;
The family of Pedro Guzman Perez.

With only one body,
And only one soul,
He shares his smile with everyone,
And makes a family whole.

And I am so proud to know,
To be connected to
A family as strong as we all try to be;
The family of,
Emily Nelson Guzman
Logan Julian Nelson Guzman
And Pedro Guzman Perez.


Pedro was detained at Stewart Detention Center for 19 months.

NACARA is the type of relief Pedro was granted. Click here to find out what it is.